Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Barn Door Horn Speakers

I turned the eight-foot horns around to face the barn door opening.  Here are two views of the setup.
Barn Door Horn Speakers
Barn Door Horn Speakers

Barn Door Horn Speakers
Barn Door Horn Speakers
The original sliding door is quite heavy with wheels that ride on an iron track set in the floor.  I had to leave a foot wide clearance in order to operate the door from inside.

I have not played this system very loudly yet so as to avoid complaints from neighbors :)

Friday, March 2, 2018

Sound Transformer Matched Pair

These are 50% longer than the originals.  This version improves both efficiency and smoothness of frequency response.  That is a "Class-T" amplifier in the lower right corner.

Matched Pair
Matched Pair