Tuesday, March 19, 2019

An Official Welcome To My Klipsch La Scala Loudspeaker Pair

I thought it might be nice to share the sound of part of my system playing part of a piece by Dave Matthews and Warren Hayes, their rendition of Neil Young's "Cortez".  The video clip below is just under a couple of minutes long.  This is as close as I can get this medium to sound like my setup does "in person".  I hope you enjoy listening :)

I first heard the Klipsch Heritage Series at "Music Box" in Wellesley Massachusetts in the mid 1970s.  That experience has stayed with me to this day and I am really pleased to have the opportunity to let you to hear what a fully horn loaded loudspeaker system can sound like inside a small room.

Note:  The Nakamichi Receiver 3 provides the preamplifier.  An original TriPath Class "T" digital amplifier by Lepai, modified by removing all analog circuitry except what is on the digital chip, provides the power amplification.  The source is a wav file of part of the sound downloaded from a YouTube video recommended on the Klipsch Owners Facebook Group page.  The sound is streaming from USB through a Mini USB DAC by SignStek Audio.  The Nakamichi Receiver 3 has the best sounding preamplifier I have been able to find so far.

Lepai Power Amp and Mini USB DAC
Lepai Power Amp and Mini USB DAC
The system is so efficient it requires less than 200 milliWatt of power from the power amplifier to fill the room with sound.