I have had a Supreme 400 Tube Tester for quite a while now. Today I got it out and cleaned it up. I will post some pictures of it later on. The date on the catalog page advertisement illustrated below is 1938.
Supreme Catalog 1938
It is interesting that the price of the 400 Tester in 1938 was $38.95.
Inside the narrow storage slot in the case, I found several small paper items of interest. First is a business card for "Wiscasset Radio Service". The telephone number is only two digits, "20".
Wiscasset Radio Service Business Card
Also found were a couple of radio tube sticker labels, one Philco and one Zenith.
Philco Tube Sticker Label
Zenith Tube Sticker Label
These are each about an inch long.
Finally, I found a roll of tube test result labels that might have been used to help keep track of the condition of the tubes in a radio.
Radio Tube Test Labels
These three stickers were separated from the roll already.
It looks like if a tube tested "feeble" then the radio might still work but with less than good reception.